- Once logged in into dashboard on left panel click on Pricing
- Click on Products
- In the status overview list
- Search box (reset search by clicking on x within search box)
- Filter for channel (at the date of writing DrinksAndCo and Vivino – on/off)
- Start date / end date
- Order Status
- Unknown
- Pending
- Processing
- Exception
- Confirmed
- Request Hold
- Holding
- Cancelled
- Completed
- Shipment status
- Unknown
- Processing
- Shipment Created
- Shipped
- Delivered
- Delivery Failure
- Channel order # (order number of channel)
- Web shop order # (order number of webshop)
- Order date
- Order total (the amount of the order In total)
- Order status
- Shipment status
- Webshop (external URL to webshop)
- Channel (external URL to channel)
- Excel export – export results in excel
- ? (Help button) – click on help button to see help how to use Actenzo Dashboard